My Mom Died and I’m Mad at Her How I’m Navigating Through Grief

When I was very young, maybe six or seven years old, I could see the main road to my house from my bedroom window. Whenever my mom was driving home from work, I could see her car from several streets over. I remember waiting by that window and watching around the same time each day…

The Not So Subtle Art of Controlling Your Emotions

I’m a highly sensitive, wears her heart on her sleeve, super emotional, empath – dare I add Leo? I often teeter between wanting to share my stories, myself, in the hopes of helping others and wanting to keep my thoughts, feelings, and emotions to myself, which in most cases, I do. I don’t always share…

Agree With Everyone Then Make Your Own Decision

I have a close friend who does this. It never fails. My other friends and I will pour our hearts out, spend hours telling her what she should do in her situation, she’ll agree with all of us, and then, more often than not, do the exact opposite. At first it used to irritate me….

The Game of Life and How to Play it

Have you read Florence Scovel Shinn’s, The Game of Life and How to Play it? It popped up as a suggested video on Youtube one day and curiously, I clicked on it. I listened to the full 2 hour audio book and went on to purchase a collection of all of her books and recommended…

He Told Me He Would Kill Himself if I left

I was 17. He was in his early twenties. “He’s cute.” My friend whispered to me one day. I agreed. We had both just started working a new job and were smitten over the new guy. I didn’t know much about him other than that he always wore a hooded sweatshirt and his mom sometimes brought him lunch to work which I thought was cute. We became fast friends.

The Not So Subtle Art of Surviving While Being Black in America

We lose count. We lose count of the black people that are senselessly murdered each year. We try to remember each person’s name before another is added to the list. We march, we cry, we sign petitions. We whisper about  how maybe if they had been a little quieter, a little less combative…a little…less…black…maybe…just maybe…

How to Overcome Quarantine Depression

Before Ms. Rona came to town I had been contemplating taking a much needed spiritual and mental retreat away from LA, to my parent’s country lakeside home to clear my head and simply get my life together. I didn’t know how this would work without leaving my job, until the height of the pandemic when…